
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
the Torah reading of Vayigash starts mid sentence, following the cliff-hanger anding of last week's Torah reading Miketz. With Binyomin (Benjamin) framed by the Egyptain viceroy Tzafnas Pa'aneach (Yosef/Joseph) thre brothers face the looming catastrophe of the loss of the last reminaing child of Yaakov (Jacob)'s favoured wife Rachel.
This week begins with Yehuda (Judah) stepping forth to confront the Egyptian leader and do all he can to save his borther. Then in the great plot twist Yosef reveals his true identity, and the whole episode transforms from catastrophe to salvation.
Yet the theme of 'vayigash' literally drawing near, involves far more than fraternal reconciliation. Yehuda's speech is one of the longest recorded in Torah, and adds nothing that we do not already know. Within its meanidering lie subtle clues that this is not merely a healing of the brothers and their relationships, but a reconstruction of Yaakov Avinu, our forefather Jacob, and the ability of the nation to survive exile, to live with difference and treu be truly diverse and truly one.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives. This episode brings out the essence of the ideological clash between the Seleucid oppressors and the Jews of the Chanuka story.
It addresses the curious selection of 4 areas of observance that were banned: Circumcision, Shabbat, Forcing us to use a calendar instead of witnesses for the New Month, and a seemingly futile atempt to ban the oral transmission of the Unwritten Torah. Why these? What is their common root? and how does the Chanuka story redefine our place in existence, and personal meaning and value?
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkx
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
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#chanukah #hanukah #rabbi #jewish #judaism #jewishwisdom

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives.
Previous episodes showed how Chazal (Rabbis of Talmud and Midrash) locate the deep spiritual roots of the Chanuka story to the divisions within the Jewish nation and family going all the way back to Torah (Hebrew Bible) with the sons of Jacob.
This episode locates the solution to national schism to the tribe of Levi. It is the elements of passion and peace that they exemplify as teacher sof Torah that can go wrong if misused, but when used correctly can heal the rift between Yehudah (Judah) and Yosef (JUdah), unify the nation and bring an end to exile.
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Kabbalah, Jewish Philosophy, and the wisdom and depth of Jewish teachings.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkx
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/LHRiZdB5EL2VdNaA/?
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe?_t=8i87VmPNE7V&_r=1
#chanukah #hanukah #rabbi #jewish #judaism #jewishwisdom

Monday Dec 30, 2024
Monday Dec 30, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives.
This episode examines the two aspects of the Jewish people as manifest in the Biblical ancestors Yehuda (Judah) and Yosef (Joseph). The schism in the first family that becomes national division in the First Temple period and the Greek era can and must be reconciled in order to survive exile.
This episode demonstrates how the two end up coming together in the essence of Chanuka.
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkxSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyDInstagram: https://instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qrFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/LHRiZdB5EL2VdNaA/?Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-roweLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_appTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe?_t=8i87VmPNE7V&_r=1
#jew #jewish #judaism #philosophy #chanukah #hanukkah

Sunday Dec 29, 2024
Sunday Dec 29, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives.
In the previous episode we traced the roots of Chanuka (Hanukkah) back to the sale of Yosef (Joseph) in the Torah (Hebrew Bible). Rather than a mate rof simplistic jealousy, we discovered the dangers inherent in the charm, charisma and beauty of Yosef (Joseph). Time and again the idolatry of latre generations is linked back to the descendents of Yosef (Joseph). Even the assimilation of so many Jews into Hellenism and the internal schism central to the Chanuka (Hanukka) story is linked to him.
But the brothers, family of Israel, got it wrong. Torah and Chazal (Rabbis of the Telmud and Midrash) make it clear that yosef (Joseph) is indispensable to the ability of the Jewish people to survive in exile, whether in Egypt, in the Chanuka story, or the exile we remain in today. This video explores the indispenasability of Yosef (Joseph), his beauty and charm, and in which we disciver that the light of Yosef is the very light of Chanuka!
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkx
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/LHRiZdB5EL2VdNaA/?
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe?_t=8i87VmPNE7V&_r=1
#jew #jewish #judaism #philosophy #chanukah #hanukkah

Thursday Dec 26, 2024
Thursday Dec 26, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives.
This episode explores the fraternal tension in the first family of Israel. The Torah (Hebrew Bible) recounts the story of the brothers who sell Joseph. In this video we discover the fear they had that his beauty and charm could lead to narcissim and self worshp, and even lead to paganism. What it is that they feared in fact came true in later generations as the Tenach (Hebrew Bible) recounts episodes of Joseph's descendents falling into precisely the same trap. It turns out that the weaknesses they detected and vulnerability to societal approval, assimilation, and betrayal also came true in the Chanuka story.
Yet the rejection of Yosef/ Joseph was the wrong approach. His ability to internact in the world was never manipulative, and always loyal. And without his attricbutes the Jewish nation can never survive exiles. It turns out paradoxically that he carries the root to survival in Egypt, in the Chanuka story, and ultimately in the long exile before the Messianic era.
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Philosophy, Kabbalah and profound Jewish ideas.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkx
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/LHRiZdB5EL2VdNaA/?
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe?_t=8i87VmPNE7V&_r=1
#jew #jewish #judaism #philosophy #chanukah #hanukkah

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
In this mini-series, Rabbi Daniel Rowe explains the deeper meaning and understanding of the Jewish festival of Chanukah and how it applies to our lives.
This first episode discusses the Rabbinic insight that traces the roots of Chanuka right back to the darkness and light of the first day of creation.
Subscribe for more videos about Judaism, Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator in the UK, who uses deep knowledge of Judaism, science and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences on a daily basis.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on Social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@RabbiDanielRowe?si=dLtRunDWpW0GbOkx
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/LHRiZdB5EL2VdNaA/?
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe?_t=8i87VmPNE7V&_r=1
#jew #jewishwisdom #philosophy #chanukah #hanukah

Thursday Dec 19, 2024
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
Vayeshev opens with apparent jealousy and hatred that results in his sons selling their brother Yoseph (Joseph) into slavery.
The sidra (weekly Torah reading) follows the twists and turns of Yoseph's saga as he rises up to seniority in the household of an Egyptian official Potiphar, only to be framed and thrown in jail. There too his attempt to help Pharoah's imprisoned servants through dream interpretation, ends up with him being abandoned and neglected for two more years. In between these episodes the Torah introduces the saga of Yehudah and Tamar, raising moral questions about Yehuda that result in his brave confession and the building of his own family.Yehuda and Yosef turn out to be the ancestors of the Israelite Kings, and it is their descendents who rupture the unfiied kingdom. In this talk we discover that their divisions were not merely about jealousies but about a deep fear that the brothers had of Yoseph's charm and charisma. They feared the short path from their to manipulation, narcissism, self worship and ultimately paganism. History proved them right, but also wrong.
It turns out that Yoseph is also indispensible. Without him Israel can never survive in exile nor bring redemption.
Navigating the fine line between charm and holiness is the theme of the talk, that weaves together threads laid out by Midrashim, Rashi, and other commentators.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
In this Question and Answer session on areas of Judaism and Jewish thought with Rabbi Daniel Rowe at Aish HaTorah Yeshiva, the following questions are raised and discussed:
00:00 How does prayer fit into our other service of Hashem? Why do we pray?
14:35 Can we feel or experience spirituality?
23:30 How do we motivate ourselves to bring God's light into the world?
28:20 Nefesh Hachaim vs Chassidus
37:30 When and how does hashkafah (philosophical perspective) impact Halacha (Jewish law)?
41:30 How is Halacha decided nowadays? Can we decide for ourselves?
Be sure to subscribe to the channel for weekly videos on Jewish philosophy, wisdom and world-changing ideas.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator at Aish, who uses his deep knowledge of Judaism, science, and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences across the globe.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on social media for regular new uploads and updates: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2IUE77xD5uF_1xmWxWoBSg
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe/
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711/?originalSubdomain=uk
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe
#jewish #rabbi #jewishwisdom #torah #philosophy #prayer #soul #chassidut #halacha

Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
The section of the Torah called 'Toldos' (literally 'offspring' or 'generations') begins the critical process of the creation of the nation Yisrael (Israel). The drama takes place in four acts, the birth of the rival twins Yaakov (Jacob) and Esav (Esau), the displacement of the family and their struggles in the land of Gerar, Rivak (Rebecca) switching Yaakov (Jacob) for Esav when it came to their blind father Yitzchak (Isaac) wanting to bless them, and the decision to then send Yaakov away from home.
But a deeper exploration reveals that at stake is precisely what it takes to build the eternal nation Israel.
The blessings section turns out to be a replay of the Garden of Eden, reversing its outcome, whilst the centrality of Rivka (Rebecca) the key to the whole story. It turns out that the entire Biblical book of Bereishis (Genesis) now occurs in the shadow of the Akeida (binding of Isaac) that never took his life, but instead took his mother Sarah's. Her death came from a profound internalization of the fact that we have no right to exist. The twins born this week struggle with the question of how, then, they ought to live, and their challenge defines our roles, our challenges and our very identity. Be sure to subscribe to the channel for weekly videos on Jewish philosophy, wisdom and world-changing ideas.
Rabbi Daniel Rowe is a popular Rabbi, philosopher and educator at Aish, who uses his deep knowledge of Judaism, science, and philosophy to captivate and educate audiences across the globe.
Follow Rabbi Rowe on social media for regular new uploads and updates:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2IUE77xD5uF_1xmWxWoBSg
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1qPQn7TIWdQ8Dxvy6RfjyD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rabbidanielrowe/
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/cd5debfe-684c-411d-b0bc-223dcfa58a39/rabbi-daniel-rowe
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rabbi-daniel-rowe-23838711/?originalSubdomain=uk
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rabbi.daniel.rowe
#jewish #rabbi #jewishwisdom #torah #bible #toldos #jacob #isaac